Our Mission
NewMarket's business initiatives include the application of proprietary technologies licensed to NewMarket which are associated with soil enhancement, genetic seed development, seed treatment, feed and food processing, and the implementation of conversion and delivery mechanisms all supporting NewMarket’s client-direct custodian supply system.

Our Objective
NewMarket’s principal foundation of Sequential Food Production is trait-specific origination, production, processing, and promotion of identity-preserved grains in an environmentally sustainable and respectful manner. Serving and satisfying our client relationships by developing and implementing sustainable supply solutions which condense the traditional and highly complex grain-to-market options that are available to farmers with our global end users of whole grains and ingredients.
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News & Events
It's a fast-paced news world. Fibers of information trending from the corners of the globe are instantaneously discoverable at your finger types. We are confident your navigation skills will lead you through all of this online material on your own, but sometimes we unearth real-life, intelligent, thought-provoking threads that we want to share, and we post them here.

Find Us
611-99th Avenue
Tisdale, SK Canada S0E 1T0

Get In Touch
Phone: +1-(306)-873-2345
Email: info@newmarket-inc.com